Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Psychology Satisfaction and Job Motivation

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Psychologyfor Satisfaction and Job Motivation. Answer: Introduction The significance of employees satisfaction and jobmotivation isincreasing constantlyin the business world (Jaeger and Cmara, 2015). This study focuses on the job which I did as an intern and how I was motivatedinit, leading to my job satisfaction. I worked for some time in a supermarket and therefore my level of satisfaction has been discussed in this essay.The key objective of this essay is the study about leadership and motivation and how these haveimpacton workers satisfaction. This study explains what kinds of aspects haveimpacton staff members satisfaction and which might leadto dissatisfactionatwork place. Different theories of motivation have been discussed. Theory X and theory Ywith Maslows Theory of Motivation This to worry was classified by Douglas McGregor in terms of motivation and leadership. Asper theoryXmost of the individuals do not like to work and usually try avoiding it (James, n.d.). Therefore individuals need directions, control and even threatening to carry out the works so that business goals can be attained.Howeveras for my past experience to the Y help me in applicable only because this theory has its base in vast knowledge of humanbehaviour. Why this to date was assumed that the mental and bodily effortsinthe job are common just like I was playing a resting. It is also the way that any threat or external controlling measures are not just the way is to ensure thatindividuals workand attain the business schools. When I am committed to words my job then I myselfcarryoutself-control. The commitment is also reliance on the kind of rewards that are provided to the workers. The key to satisfaction is that the needs which satisfy the requirements of people andalso leadto personal development. As for theorywhy,I was able to not only accept rather look for more responsibilities. Being a person belonging to Theory Y,I had been motivated on the basis ofMaslowshierarchy of needs theory. My leader had an idea that Iexpected securityneeds and therefore kind of atmosphere was the right age where I felt secure and protected. There were different benefits like savings, insurance benefits,perks andthe assurance that this job can be continued further when I perform well. This way I was motivated to work to wordsfulfilmentof life security needs. The base of this theory is that whenever I kind of needit issatisfied then we can move onto the next level of need. Maslow also stated that it is not necessary that the one need is fulfilled fully prior to the individual moving onto the subsequent level of need. There can be part satisfaction at one level and still the person can look for satisfaction at the next level. Image: Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Source: (Supplemental Material for the Motivational Consequences of Life Satisfaction, 2017) Herzberg Motivation theory This theory is termed as the two-factor theory and is similar to theMaslowshierarchy of needs 30. As for this theory that job satisfaction is settled by things which are opposite to the stuff which leads to job the satisfaction. Therefore, I could see that lots of things which made me feel positive are the factors that make me satisfied and the things which gave a negative feeling were ones which made me to be dissatisfied. I was happy working at the supermarket because I liked my work and sometimes I got unhappy because of the treatment that was given by other people. However my employers at a positive attitude which made me satisfied. As per Herzberg motivation theory, the dissatisfaction was also short term and satisfaction was also short-term due to hygiene factors (Scheuer, 2000). However the factors which lead to long-term satisfaction or dissatisfaction were termed to be motivators and de-motivators. The motivation at work challenged me to develop my skills and capabilities. F or example there were additional responsibilities in my job and I was being provided with learning opportunities so that I did good work at the next level of job and I could deliver superior performance in all kinds of jobs I did. The motivations were in the form of my learning opportunities, additional responsibilities, recognitions, awards and development. The dissatisfaction was avoided because hygiene factors were maintained in this job. As per this theory, the hygiene factors or dissatisfying factors were ones which I always expected to be in great condition. Motivators were ones which lead to job satisfaction however hygiene factors that ones which did not lead to job satisfaction however in case they were not present then the job dissatisfaction was expected (Ruiz-Palomino, Sez-Martnez and Martnez-Caas, 2012). There were various exercises like flexibility in working hours, similar dress code for everybody, my work schedules and many other things which were carried on in an ef ficient manner. The efficient handling of these factors leads to removal of any dissatisfaction. Expectancy Theory of Motivation This theory was initially created by Vroom and it denotesthe possibilitythat any activity or any task will resultin toan outcome (Schunk, 2000). As per this theory whenever a person makes a choice among different alternators which have uncertain results, it appears to be clear that this kind ofattitude isimpacted by his choice along withother fasterlike the expectancy of these outcomes to be true (Pride, 2017). This expectancy is the belief for that moment regarding the possibility that a specific activity willcausea specific result. There was motivation in this case because I could very clearly perceive and see the outcome. There was a valuable relation among the activity and out from, and this outcome was of serve as a way of satisfaction of the needs. This way there are two factors which data mine how I performed my job. The first one was the value of rewards andout comesto me and the level of satisfaction that I achieved from this reward. After myintentionif I expected that I would be given a certificate of experience, and I would get hands on training with experience in the real world. This outcome was expected by me. The second factor is the possibility that these rewards depended on myefforts andperformance. Therefore the higher the value of these awards and rewards the better it wasprobabilitythat I put in more efforts in my job. I knew if I would do a better job at this kind of internship then the possibility for that I would get a better experience and myCertificate would also show allthe goodwork I did (Petri and Govern, 2013). Apart fromthese popular theoriesof motivating, there is a concept that the workers feel motivated to dobetterjob when they getofferingof anything they desire or which they feel would be satisfying. Yet, offering the staff members with anything that would be satisfying is important however it's not everything. The managers must keep in mind that the workers are not motivated to do a better job if the focuses only onofferingthereforethe focus also have to be onbelieving. The employs trust that they will attain what the desired includes three different beliefs. The initialbelieveis that they can do a good job to attain what is offered to them. The other one is that they will attain it in case they do a great job. The third belief isthat whateverhas been offered to them would be leading to satisfaction. All of these three beliefs are regarding the thoughts of workers in terms of what will be the outcome when they put in their efforts (Maguire, 2000). So the expectancytheory ofmotivation is the completion of conditions which are that employs need to be motivated to carry out their ties only if the thing that their efforts can cause performance, performance can bring outcome and these outcomes can bring contentment or satisfaction. Application of the Motivation Theories Motivating workforce is turning out to be increasingly significant continually. Having motivated workforce has an impact on the performance of the business. So the Human Resource Management is exceedingly focussing on this subject (Steers and Porter, 1991). Motivation theories and kinds of incentives use up the time and money however in a long run they have an impact on the earnings of the business (Kwon and Sohn, 2017). At the time of applying the motivation theories in reality managers must focus on three major parts of accountability to synchronize and incorporate human resource strategy. These three regions are: Defining the performance, Facilitating the performance and Encouraging performance. Above all, the management needs to concur with the Performance explanation. In this way the management concentrates on the depiction of what is anticipated from workers. The management must set objectives for the execution of the organization. Devoid of any objectives, it is difficult to identify where the organization is going and why (Kwon and Sohn, 2017). The imperative role of the objectives is to inform if the organization is improving or not. Objectives enhance responsibility and elucidate the bearing of staff attempt. For instance the corporate objectives incorporate revenues, clients, and areas of intrigue, development, administration and nationality. These give the fundamental system to the organization, and when everybody knows about these objectives, it is simpler for the workers and particularly management to work exclusively and be inventive (Strauss, 2011). To just lay down the objectives is insufficient. Management group should have the capacity to gauge the achievemen t of the shared objectives (Nuttin, 2014). Objectives must be in the shape that each manager and worker is aware if the objective is attained or not. Too broad objectives are not valuable (Luhmann and Hennecke, 2017). For instance "Lessening working expenses" is excessively dubious objective. Rather "Working expenses have to be diminished from 2% to 1.6% in the subsequent one year" is correct and quantifiable objective for everybody to get it. Conclusion There are explicit links among how motivated one us at the place of work and the level of job satisfaction. The business owners and managers must focus at increasing the job satisfaction so worker motivation will enhance too, leading to superior job performance and improved competence (Toman, 2013). It has to be seen that the Employee commitment is improved when a worker is motivated and contented at the place of work. The connection among motivation and satisfaction is, thus, shown by the dedication that an employee demonstrates to his business. Consequently, motivation in addition job satisfaction would lead to commitment. The three theories have been shown to demonstrate how I was satisfied at my past internship. References Jaeger, M. and Cmara, S. (2015). Media and Life Dissatisfaction as Predictors of Body Dissatisfaction. Paidia (Ribeiro Preto), 25(61), pp.183-190. James, B. (n.d.). Motivation Theory. SSRN Electronic Journal. Kwon, I. and Sohn, K. (2017). Job dissatisfaction of the self-employed in Indonesia. Small Business Economics. Luhmann, M. and Hennecke, M. (2017). 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